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Full Mock Exam

Boost your chances of passing the MRCP PACES Exam by taking our Full Mock Exam!

The full mock PACES Exam will cover all 5 stations:


  • Station 1: Communication & Respiratory 

  • Station 2: Consultation

  • Station 3: Cardiovascular and Neurology

  • Station 4: Communication Station & Abdomen

  • Station 5: Consultation

To improve your overall skills and avoid the little mistakes that can lead to failure, we highly recommend this comprehensive practice exam. While PACES isn't necessarily difficult, it's easy to make errors. This mock exam will help you identify and address your weaknesses, ensuring you're fully prepared for success.

Why do you need to take a full mock exam for the PACES Exam?

By taking the full mock exam, candidates will have the chance to reflect on their performance under exam pressure and identify areas of strength and weakness. Additionally, the mock exam will help improve stamina, ensuring candidates are fully prepared for the actual exam.


How will the mock exam be conducted?

The mock exam will be conducted online, with examination stations requiring candidates to talk through their examination process while the examiner provides feedback on positive findings. The remaining stations, including history taking, communication, presentation, and discussion, will follow the same format as the actual exam.


Will the stations be timed?

Yes, all the stations will be timed.


Will this be a One-to-One session?

Yes, this will be a one-to-one session.  


How will you get the feedback?

After completing the mock exam, we will review each station together, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Within a few days, candidates will receive a marksheet with detailed feedback, helping them to address weaknesses and further enhance their strengths.. 


How long will the mock exam last?

The full mock exam is expected to last approximately three hours.


What is the fee to take the full mock exam? 

249 GBP 

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Have you attended any of our courses before?

Please give us three dates for the Full Mock Exam.

We will contact you via email to confirm the date and time of the Full Mock Exam.

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